Family & Wee Ones Lovely Some day, Spring will come Meanwhile, we’ll prance around with the puddles, ice and slush. God love Belle, always happy for a photo op. 21 Feb ’11 581
Dog Blog A Year of Paris #4 Paris: “Oh boy. My life is indeed average!” And that’s pretty much how the last two days have been. We can’t go out in the... 21 Feb ’11 650
Dog Blog A Year of Paris #3 Enrichment through exploring the environment was not on the cards for Paris today, either. I didn’t fancy walking outside in the storm, and I reassure... 20 Feb ’11 572
Lovely A Year Of Paris #2 Sadly, enriching Paris’ life wasn’t on the agenda today. I let the dogs out to play for a while before they were cooped up for... 19 Feb ’11 642
Lovely A Year of Paris #1 Paris has made a good recovery this week from his anesthesia for teeth cleaning, nail clipping and to have a large wart lasered from his... 18 Feb ’11 683