Lovely Straight River Overflow Wow, some overflowing going on here. Never seen the Straight River like this before. 15 Mar ’10 640
Lovely Big Thaw The river is running crazy right now. It’s like an expressway for ducks, they whiz on by on their way to the dam. 14 Mar ’10 626
Lovely Scenes From a River Yesterday, the sun appeared for the first time in a week and it was close to 50 F. It was glorious and one of those... 13 Mar ’10 790
Lovely Flag in the Fog Aaah, the rain and the fog and forgetting to take a picture today. 10 Mar ’10 700
Lovely The Big Gray Melt We are above freezing but my, it’s ugly. Gray, raining and large piles of dirty snow hanging on for dear life. Even the horizon and... 9 Mar ’10 679
Family & Wee Ones The Great Serengeti … Am at the Great Serengeti water park. Kids are having a blast and I am enjoying the 200% humidity level. Way to clean out those... 6 Mar ’10 707
Lovely OMG. I FEEL JOY OMG. I can‘t believe it, I’ve felt such joie de vive all day. A regular little Suzy Sunshine, what with the smiling at strangers and... 5 Mar ’10 791