Lovely Lilac in Polaroid #Analog Lilac in Polaroid #Analog #reclaimed #negative #mamiya645 #instant #fujifilmfp100c #bleach #filmisnotdead I took this with my mamiya with the 150mm N lens with the No... 1 Jun ’15 594
Lovely Best friends in #Analog Best friends in #Analog #polaroid #polaroid250 #landcamera #fujifilmfp100c #instant ♥︎ from Instagram 30 May ’15 730
Lovely At the studio #Analog At the studio #Analog #boudoir #boudoirphotography #trix #mamiya645 #minneapolisboudoirphotography #filmisnotdead #studio #thefindlab ♥︎ from Instagram 28 May ’15 635
Lovely Playing with Polas #analog Playing with Polas #analog #landcamera #polaroid250 #fujifilmfp100c ♥︎ from Instagram 27 May ’15 623
Lovely Playing With Polaroids! #analog Playing With Polaroids! #analog I ended up with a triple. #studio #polaroid #landcamera #polaroid250 #fujifilmfp100c #Minnesota ♥︎ from Instagram 27 May ’15 608
Lovely Fuji Emulsion Lift #Analog Fuji Emulsion Lift #Analog Tried my hand at a #fujifilmfp100c emulsion lift. Fun trying it out but the edges curling was annoying. I do love... 24 May ’15 825
Lovely Saturday Night Studio II Saturday Night Studio II #Analog Inspired by the amazing #polaroid250 images of #polasquare, I set off to my studio this evening to see if I... 24 May ’15 802
Lovely Saturday Night at the Saturday Night at the Studio #Analog Inspired by the amazing #polaroid250 images of #polasquare, I set off to my studio this evening to see if... 24 May ’15 616