Dog Blog Take me to the lake. Stupid human! It is 88 F. here and I’m a sweaty and sticky mess. Yesterday was over 90 F. and after wearing fleece and sweaters last week,... 25 May ’10 659
Dog Blog At the Dog Trials Millie Jane has been called back to run again tomorrow (whatever that means). All I know is more hunting trials tomorrow. 17 Apr ’10 611
Dog Blog Bare Necessities Only takes a red ball to make Paris the happiest lab in the world! 31 Mar ’10 631
Dog Blog A Dog and His Stick Fun down at the lake. The 70 degree weather was nice but the 50 mph winds, ahh, not so much. 30 Mar ’10 591
Dog Blog Mini Dachshund Beautiful day down at the lake and this little darling dachshund is enjoying himself 23 Mar ’10 659