Lovely Senior Pictures Senior Pictures, Owatonna & Faribault: Theadora Apart from the ferocious mosquitoes, Teddy and I had fun on her senior shoot. She is just the most lovely girl (inside and out). She... 22 Jul ’14 674
Lovely Senior Pictures Senior Pictures, Owatonna: Deidra It was a gorgeous day last October, over 70 degrees, which was lucky as Deidra wanted to go in the water for part of her... 15 May ’14 622
Lovely Senior Pictures The sassy Miss Suarez The sassy Miss Suarez portraits Owatonna seniorpictures naturallight paquinstudio minnesota ♥︎ hearts from 10 May ’14 575
Senior Pictures Miss Marina at Sunset! Miss Marina at Sunset! It was so good to be out sunset shooting after our long winter. Can’t wait to get the senior sessions under... 28 Apr ’14 581
Lovely Senior Pictures Miss Suarez in Miss Suarez in early spring. Minnesota #ps_studio #Owatonna #portraits #sunset ♥︎ 27 Apr ’14 708
Senior Pictures Harry Wenger Marching Band Festival Congratulations to the Owatonna High School Marching band — they put on a great show for the home crowd. My pictures of the OHS band... 16 Jun ’13 643