Lovely Flag in the Fog Aaah, the rain and the fog and forgetting to take a picture today. 10 Mar ’10 680
Lovely The Big Gray Melt We are above freezing but my, it’s ugly. Gray, raining and large piles of dirty snow hanging on for dear life. Even the horizon and... 9 Mar ’10 660
Lovely OMG. I FEEL JOY OMG. I can‘t believe it, I’ve felt such joie de vive all day. A regular little Suzy Sunshine, what with the smiling at strangers and... 5 Mar ’10 769
Lovely Cameo Appearance I was hoping to take full moon shots after my earlier photography plans went by the wayside but I couldn’t get that to work out,... 1 Mar ’10 926
Lovely Sunny Sunday I was enjoying the sunny Sunday down at the lake, listening to a shmaltzy country music station and enjoying my grande cappuccino when it occurred... 28 Feb ’10 623