Family & Wee Ones Lovely Belle by the window But lit by a strobe. The light from the garage window just isn’t bright enough to shoot at a reasonable ISO and it’s not warm... 31 Mar ’11 726
Family & Wee Ones Lovely Movin’ On I’m packing winter into a crate and pretending it’s spring. I spent some time today sweeping and cleaning out the garage/studio. It was 34 F.... 27 Mar ’11 736
Lovely Paris & Perfect Bags Paris was happy to get out and run around in the SNOW, we’d missed having it on the ground for those couple of days. Blah!... 25 Mar ’11 704
Family & Wee Ones Lovely Erin Go Bragh! May your thoughts be as glad as the shamrocks. May your heart be as light as a song. May each day bring you bright... 17 Mar ’11 625
Lovely A Year of Paris #14 Paris is thrilled to escape the confines of the yard … for a brief while. 3 Mar ’11 651
Dog Blog Family & Wee Ones Lovely The beginning of a beautiful friendship Baby Milly and little Miss Abelle – getting to know one another! 3 Mar ’11 638
Lovely A Year of Paris #12 The poor neglected puppies are having to find birdseed to eat (eye-rolling). 1 Mar ’11 631
Family & Wee Ones Lovely Some day, Spring will come Meanwhile, we’ll prance around with the puddles, ice and slush. God love Belle, always happy for a photo op. 21 Feb ’11 587