Paris was happy to get out and run around in the SNOW, we’d missed having it on the ground for those couple of days. Blah!

I have been looking at camera bags for the last few weeks. In four years, I’ve never found the Right Bag. I’ve spent $$$ on fancy camera bags that I ended up selling, too big, too small, annoying, not right. I have a Canon backpack but it bugs me, plus it’s actually too easy too forget it’s not zipped, potentially dropping my camera out of it. It has too many pockets, into which I put things and never remember where I put them. I like messenger bags but often find the camera-specific type are too big and scream GEEK in ugly canvas. I need enough space to carry my 5D, my iPad and three lenses (135mm f/2L, 28-75mm f/2.8 and the nifty 50mm), plus keys, wallet, phone, etc. I don’t the bag to look huge on my body; or weigh 50 lbs. Or cost more than $50. When it comes to camera bags, I pretty much want the impossible.
I was at Target the other night and immediately noticed this green messenger bag hanging on the end-aisle display and thought to myself, “Hmmn, that could work!” And then I put it back because I thought, No way. No way could my stuff fit in this bag.
Then I went back the next morning. And again thought, nice, but no way would everything fit. But I decided to buy it to at least try it out.
And surprise. EVERYTHING FIT. I even took the padding out of the backpack and lined the bottom and made the little pockets for my lenses and it all works.
$34.99! Thank you, Tar-jay.