Family & Wee Ones Anatidaephobia *Anatidaephobia: a pervasive, irrational fear that one is being watched by a duck. So yes, that person who googled “anatidaephobia fear” somewhere a duck is... 20 May ’10 721
Family & Wee Ones Belle the Photographer Belle is quite an avid photog- and videographer. 19 May ’10 625
Family & Wee Ones Baby Geese at Morehouse Park Baby geese in abundance at Morehouse Park. So cute … 18 May ’10 720
Family & Wee Ones The Sick Wee Mouse Poor Belle had a fever of 101 and was unable to reprise her role as Woodland Mouse in the school play. She was very sad... 11 Apr ’10 672
Family & Wee Ones The Great Serengeti … Am at the Great Serengeti water park. Kids are having a blast and I am enjoying the 200% humidity level. Way to clean out those... 6 Mar ’10 703
Family & Wee Ones Hot Chocolate – Day 26 Baby Belle announced this afternoon that her plans for auditioning for the talent show at school had been thwarted as her flute sounds, well, not... 26 Jan ’10 709