Lovely Festival! That’s right! There was a festival in Owatonna a couple of months ago. The day before we drove out to the Black Hills and the... 30 Aug ’11 1.1K
Lovely Senior Pictures Bethany: A Sneak Peak The beautiful Bethany. Bethany, I”m looking forward to Round II tomorrow. 15 Aug ’11 589
Lovely Natalie K: Class of 2012 I had a very fun shoot with Natalie K. and her mom this afternoon. Natalie is very creative, possesses retro movie-star eyes and rocked those... 26 Jul ’11 874
Lovely Senior Pictures Emma A: Class of 2012 The lovely Emma.A was a trooper during the 100 F.+ photo shoot and multi-locations. Thanks Emma, it was a blast (even literally). Your proof slideshow... 20 Jul ’11 786