Dog Blog Puppies in A Basket Still annoying the poor little puppies today … this was after the drama of the last 24-hours of wrecking our garage door and I mean... 29 May ’11 683
Dog Blog Miss Maisy Miss Maisy – 3 weeks old. Firstborn child. Maisy, apart from being black and white, really looks a lot like Milly. I think she’ll have... 28 May ’11 652
Dog Blog Bath Time Bath time for puppies and they are really not thrilled with the experience. 27 May ’11 631
Dog Blog Family & Wee Ones Puppy Love The puppies have been outside today enjoying the sunshine. Getting cuter each day and more aware. 26 May ’11 662
Dog Blog Maisy: Got Milk? Little Maisy: Day 14. The puppies eyes are all open and they’re trying to walk. They look very cute as they try to stand with... 21 May ’11 645