Lovely Serenade Same piece, same flute, same ROOM for seventh-grade Solo and Ensemble contest! 6 Feb ’12 712
Lovely Lavender Blue I am somewhat stupid today and in an attempt to convert my Facebook timeline into a page, I lost the ability to use my profile... 29 Jan ’12 773
Family & Wee Ones Lovely Cheating on Day #017 The mid-January slump has hit me, I have not been to my beloved studio for two days, preferring to work from home and my camera... 17 Jan ’12 700
Lovely MBO Benefit Concert [quoteLeft]Prints from the benefit are available HERE. Fifty percent of profit will be donated back to the MBO. [/quoteLeft] The fabulous Music Boosters Benefit concert... 16 Jan ’12 722
Lovely Back to Winter: Day #011 Back to winter in Kaplan’s Woods. Can’t really complain after the unseasonable warm weather we’ve had since before Christmas. 12 Jan ’12 827