Lovely Favorite Gingers, even if Favorite Gingers, even if one is currently purple. portra120 film, heart paquinstudio, filmshooter, Minnesota ♥︎ hearts from 1 Jul ’14 747
Lovely Pretty things at the Pretty things at the studio! paquinstudio ♥︎ hearts from 30 Jun ’14 622
Lovely Pretty on the prairie! Pretty on the prairie! tri-x, film, paquinstudio naturallight, portraits, mamiya645 ♥︎ hearts from 25 Jun ’14 658
Lovely A little lilac – A little lilac – portra400 mamiya645 paquinstudio film flowers lovely ♥︎ hearts from 25 Jun ’14 728
Lovely My favorite. Mamyia 645 My favorite. Mamyia 645 afd with mamiya80mmf19 and a bunch of little polaroids paquinstudio ♥︎ hearts from 18 Jun ’14 631
Lovely Slow shutter speed at Slow shutter speed at take off. egret paquinstudio Owatonna canon1DIII ♥︎ hearts from 17 Jun ’14 632
Lovely Honeysuckle in the garden. Honeysuckle in the garden. Testing out my new-to-me vintage mamiya645 150mm f/2.8 lens. Minnesota paquinstudio ♥︎ hearts from 17 Jun ’14 577
Lovely A little polaroid joy. A little polaroid joy. Belle and Bette in the garden. film, mamiya645 polaroid paquinstudio lilac spring owatonna fujifilm ♥︎ hearts from 10 Jun ’14 609